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How to add your first SMTP server

This SOP provides a step-by-step guide to adding a new SMTP server in the Vedamails application.

Applicable to marketing and IT staff responsible for managing email servers and configurations.


  1. Access Vedamails Application:
    • Open your web browser.
    • Navigate to app.vedamails.com.
    • Ensure you have the necessary credentials to log in.
  2. Navigate to Sending Servers:
    • Once logged in, locate the navigation panel.
    • Click on “Sending Servers.” This is usually found in the main menu or under settings.
  3. Initiate Adding New Server:
    • In the Sending Servers section, look for an option labelled “New Server”.
    • Click on this to begin the process of adding a new SMTP server.
  4. Select Server Type:
    • A list of available server types will be displayed.
    • Choose the appropriate server type for the SMTP you wish to add.
    • Note: Ensure you select the correct type as this affects configuration settings.
  5. Enter SMTP Details:
    • In the provided fields, input all required details. These typically include:
      • Server Name
      • SMTP Host
      • Port Number
      • Username
      • Password
      • Any other relevant authentication or encryption settings
    • Tip: Double-check details for accuracy to avoid connection issues.
  6. Save and Close:
    • Once all details are entered, click the “Save” or “Confirm” button.
    • Click it to save your configurations.
    • After saving, close the window or navigate back to the main menu.
  7. Verification:
    • The new SMTP server should now appear in the Sending Servers list.
    • Verify its presence and ensure it’s listed correctly.
    • Optional: Perform a test send to confirm connectivity and proper configuration.

The SMTP server has been successfully added and is now ready for use in email campaigns or other email-related tasks in Vedamails.


  • Always keep your server details confidential.
  • Regularly update passwords and security settings.
  • If you encounter any issues, consult Vedamails support or your IT department.

Remember, a well-configured SMTP server ensures smooth email campaigns. Like finding a good parking spot, it’s a small victory in the digital world!

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